Recruiting, Rewarding and Retaining a Board with a Passion for Mission
Great board members don’t grown on trees. There has to be a strategy as to where to find them orient them and keep them involved. You will learn:
- Where to find board members who are different from your current members.
- How to create a mentoring program.
- How to develop a board orientation that is so terrific your members will want to bring their friends and relatives.
- Also, how to let your trustees go when you no longer need their particular skills, talents or expertise without inciting hurt or a nuclear reaction.
- Some board members already are passionate about your mission. Some need to be educated. You will learn how to create a “mission moment”.
- How to reinforce the behavior you need while discouraging the inappropriate.
- How to create a board that is mission focused, joyful, productive and has fun.
The 5 Characteristics of Highly Functional Boards
What makes a really great board? You can spot an awful board in a second. The metal detector in the doorway and the 17% attendance rate tend to be dead giveaways that something is amiss. Having served on 32 boards and been president of 7 and consulted with hundreds, Carol Weisman will share the best practices of what makes board members want to attend meetings, work tirelessly and give generously. Here is a hint…It is not having meetings where reports of what has already been decided are read to bright people who would rather be reading a good book, watching Monday Night Football or Dancing with the Stars.
Build a Better Board in 30 Days: Tips and Techniques to Implement Immediately
There are a number of shockingly simple techniques to make your board meetings worth leaving Monday Night Football or American Idol. This presentation guarantees to give you easy to implement techniques to build a power-team to inspire your board to give more time and money than ever before. This session will take you beyond bringing intelligent people together to ratify decisions that have already been made.
Defining Roles & Responsibilities for Your Board: Governance not Management
Until a gene is found that tells people what to do on a nonprofit board, your board will need to be taught. Learn how to:
- Define who does what
- Create a strategically thinking board that works without micro-managing
- Establish clear boundaries for a solid working relationship between the board and staff
- Avoid common pitfalls of both board members and staff
Creating a Prenuptial Agreement Between the Executive Director and The Board President
- When do you need a prenuptial agreement? When you have something precious to protect. If the board president and executive director don’t work well together, your entire organization suffers. You will learn:
- The questions to ask when beginning to work together
- How to improve a great relationship
- How to mend a contentious relationship
- How to prepare for the next executive or chair