The goals of retreats vary dramatically. Sometimes a group needs a quick check-up, sometimes a complete overhaul.
What Can You Accomplish from a Board Retreat?
- Examine the mission statement
- Team building
- An introduction to fund raising or advance fundraising training
- Establish roles and responsibilities of board members
- Creating a vision and direction for the organization
- Change the fund raising culture of the board
- Analyze, recruit and orient new board members
- Solidify and improve board-staff relations
- Develop a fund-raising plan with specific board and staff responsibilities
Carol Offers Three Options for Board Retreats
Option 1 One-Day Retreat
- Board and staff will be interviewed in depth to determine strengths and challenges and aid in setting the agenda.
- Carol will guide the the staff and board leadership to set goals for the day.
- Carol will review all written material available about the organization including your 990, by-laws and promotional materials such as an annual report.
Typical goals for one-day retreats include: creating a vision, establishing roles and responsibilities, team building, and examining the mission statement.
Option 2
Carol will do all of the preparation and facilitation of the initial retreat as described in Option 1, PLUS:
- Carol will review all written material available about the organization including 990, by-laws and P.R. materials such as annual report.
- Two face-to-face interactive seminars with board members and Carol at 3 and 6 months after the retreat.
- Monthly conference calls with leadership and Carol to keep process moving and monitor progress.
- Common goals for 6 months include: the above plus more specific training and implementing a fund-raising plan and board recruiting.
Option 3
Carol will do all of the preparation and facilitation of the initial retreat as described in Option 1, PLUS:
- A face-to-face interactive seminar with the board and Carol 6 months after the first retreat.
- Monthly conference calls with leadership and Carol to keep process moving and monitor progress.
- Unlimited phone access to Carol for board and staff. All calls returned within 24 hours. (If Carol is working out of the country in a remote area, arrangements can be made through Skype).
- Review of marketing materials including fundraising letters.
- Typical goals for 12 months of work include: changing the fundraising culture of the board, developing an individual fundraising plan for each board member, recruiting and orienting a significant portion of the board.
The questions you’ll want to ask are:
- How much better do we want to be?
- How much time and effort are our board and staff willing to put into making changes?
- How will our ability to perform our mission be affected if we don’t closely examine the way we are doing business?

- Articles About Governance
- 9 Tips for Recruiting a Fundraising Board
- A Rabbi, a Hispanic and a Siek Walked into a Board Room
- Board Exit Interviews
- Creating a Prenuptial Agreement Between a Executive Director and a Board President
- Emeritus Board Members
- Is the Knowledge in the Room?
- New Year’s Resolutions for a More Profitable New Year for Your Nonprofit
- Should we get an intern to do that… Brilliant Idea for Time Suck?
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