These are some of Carol’s most commonly requested fundraising topics. She addresses these issues in a variety of formats according to your needs including board and staff retreats, workshops, keynotes, executive coaching and long-term consulting.
Generic topics
- Roles and responsibilities of staff and board in fundraising
- The importance of solicitors giving their own gift
- The role of staff in fundraising
- The work of the fundraising committee
- The challenges of restricted and unrestricted funds
- The checkers versus chess school of fundraising
- Fee for service
- Direct Mail
- On-line fundraising
- Major donor solicitation
- Grants
- Cause-related marketing
- Planned Giving
- Special events
- Earned income
Techniques to cultivate and ask your donors
- High tech cultivation
- High touch cultivation (nothing illegal or immoral!)
- Direct mail, e-mail and the phone
- Lunch and learns
- Multi-generational giving and getting
- Working in teams
How to “make the ask”
- What you should know about your prospect
- How to find information our about your potential donor
- Who should ask
- How should you ask
- Where should you ask
- How much should you request
- What should you take with you
Friends for life: Stewarding your donors
- Using the net for stewardship-when, who and how
- Moving from the Golden Rule to the Platinum Rule
- The power of the phone
- The role of trustees in thanking donors
- Unique and inexpensive ways of saying thank-you
If any of these topics are of interest to you, call Carol at 314-863-4422 or e-mail her.
Carol will share her tips and techniques for your board and staff to become fundraising superheroes.

- Articles About Fundraising
- 2 Minute Feasibility Study
- 5 Ways to Guarantee Your Development Staff Leave in Under Two Years
- A Great Auction Idea
- All About the Cold Hard Facts
- Ask For What You Want
- Donor Stewardship in The Year of the Plague
- Giving Societies
- High-Tech Fundraising
- Mission Trips: Mission, Mingling and Money
- Naming Opportunities… How Much and For How Long?
- The 7th Child
- The Champion Approach to Planned Giving
- The Pin and the Grammar Symbol
- Touring for Dollars
- When Your Child Has a Fundraising Project
- Blog
- Fundraising
- Fundraising Coaching
- Fundraising Plans
- Fundraising Retreats
- Fundraising Speaking
- Fundraising Webinars
- Home
- Planned Giving
- Volunteer Topics