Do you customize?
Absolutely! Your group and needs are unique. Every training and keynote is customized to meet the needs of your audience. How do I do it?
- I interview you and a number of participants you identify.
- I come early to the event and listen to the buzz.
- I review your materials including your Web site, by-laws and publications so that I know as much as possible about your organization.
Is your work guaranteed?
100% or you don’t pay. I’m often asked if I’ve ever returned a fee. The answer is yes. Twice in 22 years my clients have not been completely satisfied. The entire fee was returned. Although I’m rarely asked if I’ve ever received more than my fee, that has happened as well. Twice in 22 years I’ve received a second check because I delivered so much more than was expected.
What makes me different than other speakers on governance, philanthropy and fundraising? I am a CSP, which means that I am a Certified Speaking Professional, the highest earned designation of the National Speakers Association. To earn this, I had to make a minimum of 50 speeches a year for 5 years for a minimum of 100 different clients for a minimum for $250,000. I have not only the proverbial T-shirt, I have the certificate, the frequent flyer miles and I won’t let you down. The bottom line is that I am a professional.
I also make learning fun. I’m the only speaker on the nonprofit circuit who also does stand-up comedy. I love what I do and I’m there to make sure that my audience enjoys themselves as much as I enjoy myself.
Do you have any special services to accommodate the needs of attendees?
I am fully aware of your concerns with regards to providing for the comfort and learning of your participants as well as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). I adjust my programs to accommodate hearing, sight and physically challenged members of the audience. I have also worked with simultaneous translators when working out of the U.S.
What about door prizes?
I love door prizes. Just let me know and I’ll be glad to contribute some of my books. All of my audiences received a deck of my cards, “52 Ways to Motivate and Reward Your Board and Volunteers.” I created them as a present for my clients for my 20th anniversary in business. It doesn’t matter if you audience is 18 for a retreat or 800 for a keynote, everyone gets a deck.
What do you need from us?
As soon as you have a date, I’ll send you a letter of agreement which states the goals we have agreed on. The date is firm upon receipt of a 50% deposit. About a month before your event, I start to interview key people involved. The reason I don’t do this sooner is that staff, board and circumstances change and I want the talk to meet current needs, not those of six months or even a year before.
Carol, if you’re not available or not a good fit, will you recommend another speaker?
If I don’t think I’m the best choice for your program or I’m already booked, I will gladly refer you to another speaker. The nice thing about the governance and fundraising circuit is that so many of us know each other. (This is the reasons so many of my books are anthologies). Also, I’m the past president of the Gateway Chapter of the National Speakers Association and know many of the speakers on the national and international speaking circuits. Some groups have me back year after year, some want a different speaker. I will gladly refer you to one of my colleagues.